Rooted: Herbs for Pregnancy & Postpartum In-Person Workshop (2 parts)



This program empowers individuals with the knowledge and skills to support the maternal experience. It is a resource for expectant parents, birthworkers, healthcare providers, and herbalists alike. Join us in covering topics such as herbal categories and actions, herbal support for common pregnancy discomforts, labor preparation, and postpartum recovery. 

The course is taught by ethnobotanist and herbalist Lyani Powers, the founder of Modern Herbal Apothecary. She brings her expertise to the course having trained in clinical herbalism, Ayurvedic and MesoAmerican postpartum doula techniques, certified lactation consulting, and more. With her spectrum of experience she enriches the course with a comprehensive perspective on herbal care during pregnancy and postpartum.

Date: Sat & Sun, November 16-17, 2024

Time: 11:00am-3:00pm (both days)

Location: Modern Herbal Apothecary, 6412 S. Macdill Ave., Tampa, FL 33611


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